Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Love Good Writing!!!

What I don't love is bad writing that gets published and made a big deal over. Seth was sharing with me just the other night the horror of opening a professionally published book and finding total crap.  He forced himself to finish reading it, because Maybe!  Maybe this will all be worked out and I can forgive whoever did this to humankind!  Bleeaaah!!  We shouldn't have to do that.  My other main point is, everyone's always saying how hard it is to get published...So, if this is what DOES get published, imagine the barf-on-a-page that gets rejected!!

Ow! My brain!

Anyway, I'm reading Middlemarch by George Eliot.  It's like a delightful breath of fresh air for my brain. Here are a couple lines that made me glad I can read:

"...she was spared any inward effort to change the direction of her thoughts by the appearance of a cantering horseman round a turning of the road."

"...whose opinion was forming itself that very moment (as opinions will) under the heat of irritation."

"Sir James interpreted the heightened colour in the way most gratifying to himself..."

Ah! Words!  You can be such useful tools. There's nothing special about these quotes, really, except that they are well-written. And they're all from the same couple-a pages. 

Pray for me to finish Middlemarch this time.  It has been my goal for the last 15 years to read all the classics...I plowed through Uncle Tom's Cabin and Madame Bovary, among others.  I already donated four or five dollars in late fees to the Aurora Public Library system the last time I tried to read a classic.

PS And one other awesome thing about reading the classics:  the authors are able to convey thoughts, ideas, stories, personalities, and themes without ever talking about crotches!

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