Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I Dressed Mark as Cupid

It was Valentine's Day.  I figured,"As long as I already have a funny, fat little cherub, I may as well go all-out on this Valentine theme."

 I took him over to the elementary school.  We drove around the school distributing little boxes of treats I had put together.
 We also went over to Seth's office.  The accountants weren't as exuberant about a cupid-baby delivering treats for Valentine's day as the students and teachers, but I think they still enjoyed it.
He has a little quiver of arrows slung on his back, with heart-shaped tips.  I put them in his changing table after this, and since then, he found them and has been chewing the heart-tips off the arrows every chance he gets.  He's still funny and fat, and I'd do it again in an instant.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

You totally crack me up. That is great. I would love to have seen this.