Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Best Steak Ever!

I love steak.  I love most meat (except organ meats!  Bleaah!), but I may love a delightful steak most of all.  My birthday is during tax season, full-on tax season.  I usually get stiffed pretty hard, unintentionally, on birthday celebration.  This year I said, "All I want is a really good steak and to go somewhere super-fun as a family."  My birthday was on a Monday.

Summit Steakhouse is right around the corner from Seth's office.  I made him agree to meet me there, even after checking out the menu and prices online.   These are no Sizzler Steakhouse prices.  It was all cool and dark-ish when we entered, and a little bit lodge-y and weird.  I ordered my steak medium-rare and with broccoli on the side, with a little cheese.  (on the broccoli!)  This turns out to be my perfect meal.  I used to go steak and potatoes but it turns out the potatoes are too much, and that kind of wrecks my steak-sperience.  Broccoli is just right.  We got there just at the right time, too, before a huge lunch rush that was going on as we were leaving.

This is not a very good picture, and it's not really very flattering, but it shows me enjoying the Best Steak I've Ever Eaten.  It was SO GOOD!  Literally, every bite was just as delicious as the first and more delicious than any other meat.  The bill was a little hard to swallow, but the steak made it go down easier.  Plus it's my birthday!  I deserve a steak!  A delicious, expensive steak!  Plus, Seth paid it!

And then, to top off the Best Steak Ever, I demanded that we take our family to Jumpoline.  It was nearly as expensive as the steaks, but since they were doing a little work, they gave us the Several-hours of jumping for the One-hour of jumping price.  I LOVE JUMPING ON TRAMPOLINES!!!!!  Scott and Russell went over to the special kids zone and immediately bonked faces and got bloodied.  That was our only incident.  Seth doesn't love trampolines as much as I do, so he was fine helping Mark for awhile.  And there weren't many people there, since it was Monday.

It may have been the Funnest Family Outing Ever.

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