Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 14th

Planned Breakfast: fruit and toast. I think Seth got these things out and helped the children. I certainly didn't.

Planned dinner: "Chinese" chicken with rice. I have a jar of Hoisin sauce left over from the big Blue and Gold banquet a while ago and I was going to whip up something vaguely chinese yet distinctly delicious. Here's what happened instead.

After reassuring my family that I was absolutely serious about my demands and my refusal to go any further under the current conditions, and after some tearful hugs and at least one apology (from the barfer, thank goodness), I relented. We discussed the demands and how truly un-demanding they really are, and I think we all agreed that going forward, we can do better. I made them promise and double-promise that the demands would continue to be met. And then I pulled the Greatest Culinary Trick of the year! I made dinner: chicken quesadillas using the scorned Southwest Chicken leftover from Monday night! Haha!, Children! You ARE eating it! I got you!!! And they loved it. Because I DON'T MAKE GRODY FOODS!

And so I'm back, full force, and I haven't had a balk incident yet.

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