Friday, March 28, 2008

My Boy...or Is It?!

Eric was cutting and cutting paper the other day, just working and working. And then he comes to me looking like THIS! Pretty clever disguise, eh?

So I never intended for this to be a family or kids blog but I couldn't resist this clever craft. It's his own original idea, obviously.


Jodi said...

Hahahaha!!! I love it! What's wrong with sneaking family and kids in? I was going to just spout on mine and share my amazing lofty thoughts and yet it has become: family and kids. Oh well. :-)

arianabanana said...

I know Ive told you this before, but I smile every time I see eric because I remember talking to him in class when I was his sunday school teacher about getting ready to be bapized. I will always remember his answer when I aske what the kids were doing to get ready for baptism. He said "Ive been practicing in the sink!" Classic!!