Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Make a Guess. Now Double It.

Did you see Amadeus? There's a part where Mozart is gleefully explaining his new piece of music to the Emperor and he wants the Emperor to guess how long he can keep up a certain musical thing. The Emperor guesses two minutes and then Mozart tells him to double it. And double it again. And the guess winds up being eight minutes, but Mozart's actual answer is 20 minutes. He's able to keep it up for 20 minutes.

So here's a fun game. I'll describe a certain medical thing and you guess how much it cost. Then I want you to double your guess. Then double it again. Then I'll tell you the real cost. This'll be fun.

So I went for my radioactive iodine treatment to finish curing my cancer. It involved me going to the hospital, having had nothing to eat all morning, and sitting in a chair. Then they took a blood sample to make sure I wasn't pregnant. Surprise! I wasn't. So then they told me all the precautions and warnings, and then the doctor came in and told me all the precautions and warnings. Then the little duder brought me a little tiny radioactive pill inside a vial inside a lead vessel. I swallowed the pill and they instantaneously ushered me out. Out! Get out, radioactive swine! And that's it. So now, do your guess. How much did the hospital charge me for this service: sitting in chair, having blood drawn for pregnancy test, counseling on side effects, and pill swallowage. Have your guess ready? Now double it. Now double that. Have your answer? And now I shall tell you the actual answer. The amount the hospital charged me for this hour-and-a-half service was:

$8,000. Eight Thousand Dollars. Eight Grand. Eight-Zero-Zero-Zero. Lotta zeros, eh? Lotta buckage, eh? Musta been some FABULOUS counseling. Musta been a SUPER EXTRAORDINARY pill. It did cure what was left of my cancer, as far as we can tell, but eight THOUSAND bones?!!!? DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS We do have insurance. We will not be payin' no $8000 dollars for this. Don't get me wrong. I'm super grateful to have been able to go radioactive for those weeks, and to have my cancer cured. But DANG!


Becca said...

Is that just for the counseling or does it include the pill? That must include some serious hazard pay for the pill dude or something!

Karissa said...

Man, I thought I was spot on at $6,000. --that was super fun to guess!

Julie said...

I am laughing, big chuckles...Joe is incredulous--he guessed $2,000, I guessed $4,000. Guess I shoulda doubled mine. Wow--that's a lot of moola. (Joe is still denying it..."that's not for just one pill!")