Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Facin' It

Seth joined facebook a couple months ago. It was fun to stand behind him and watch him click "accept, accept, accept" and to watch his "friends" tally rise. And then I was like Find me so and so, and he was all, Find your own friends on Facebook. So I left it at that for awhile. And then Jodi came to take care of my family while I hung out at the hospital with Surgery Scott. And Jodi is Facebook crazy, a little bit. So she signed up me and Dorothy. I have to boast that I am a little bit more attentive to it than Dorothy, so far. It could be that during the last week since we signed up, I have been able to abdicate most of my responsibilities to somebody else due to Chillin' with Scott, but I'm sure pretty soon Dorothy will be kicking my Facebook butt too, like she does in everything we do. Love you girl!

So, join me at Facebook. Become my friend. And if you're not on Facebook, follow my lead and get over the hype and just join it up! Because it really was the hype that was bugging me. Everyone was all Facebook this, change my status that and blah blah. But it turns out to be kind of fun to see what miscellaneous people from your past you can re-connect with and it's a little bit comforting just to be able to let people know what you're doing, without an elaborate phone call or even an email. Or whatever. Just check it out.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hey, Joe and I are on Facebook now and would love to add you as a relative...are you using your married name? Joe's surfing now. We will check you out!