Monday, February 23, 2009

New Superhero: RadioactiveMom

My super power is: knitting. I'm radioactive this weekend to cure my cancer, meaning to kill the remaining thyroid cells in my body. So because of that, I'm isolated in my sister's basement guest room, and I'm just watching movies and knitting. Also napping and reading magazines. I've always had a superpower for napping, so that's nothing new. But I am knitting my first real sweater from a real pattern. I started it late last night and I already have three really cool-looking inches done.

My sister Dorothy asked me if I wouldn't wreck the laser in my little DVD player somehow, with being so radioactive. This brings me to my next point: lasers and radioactivity are two TOTALLY different superpowers. Most people might not realize this, but it's true.

It's funny if I have to go upstairs for something, like getting this laptop. I have to dance around the room to avoid getting within three-to-six feet of people, so they don't get nucularized by me. Little Jimmy started coming right at me while I was standing there trying to catch a glimpse of the tv-edited My Cousin Vinny that Dorothy was watching, so I was all backing away and dancing around the kitchen island to get away from him.

And if you're wondering, NO, my pee-wee and breast milk DON'T glow in the dark. That's been the most disappointing thing about this whole weekend. You go radioactive and you expect at least SOMETHING to glow in the dang dark, but no! Not a thing! Ah, well! Take what you can get, I guess.

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