Thursday, August 13, 2015

I Had a Dream

There was some kind of outdoor college or high school gathering or event. I was there, going up the stairs, bleachers or hill, and I was talking smack about something because I was thinking for sure I was the Cool Adult, because all teens are constantly trying to find a Cool Adult, am I right? Anyway, someone was warning me to stop smack talking.

Then I came across a senior missionary couple and they were so sweet, but they were warned that they might get in big trouble because they had brought their large turtle, and such-and-such other couple had recently gotten in trouble for bringing a wacky pet like that, which was specifically prohibited. So I really felt for that couple.

Scene Change: the high school/college gathering was indoors, in a semi-rustic room, like you might see in a fancy-type lodge or wilderness meeting facility. There might have been a pot-belly stove in the middle of the room, or it might have been a lectern, and instead of mostly older teens, the room was filled with regular people and lots of my Provo Clayton cousins. And in fact, the room was somehow in The Arapahoe House. Someone came to the door and indicated to the group of us, not everyone in the room, but specifically us Clayton people, that there was an issue, perhaps a serious issue. I thought,"I hope everyone is ok!" and we all stealthily got up and left en masse. We were not disruptive at all. As we were leaving, my Uncle Keith said to me,"There's an atomic reactor under this place." And I was trying to puzzle out what that could mean when he clarified,"We supply all the power for Amazon." And then I knew that he really meant there was a nuclear reactor below the building. So the group of us, which specifically included my cousins David and Julie, headed down the outside stairs. As we were going, there was a little girl walking right in front of my Uncle Keith, who was right in front of me, and she passed by a glass tube that was obviously a heat vent for the reactor. It was kind of sticking up and then bent sideways so that it was in the path of  people walking down the stairs, which seems like a really bad design choice for a nuclear reactor. And as the girl passed by it, her arm brushed against it and it bent, because it was blazing hot from venting a nuclear reactor. Anyway, I was really worried the girl would have a circle-shaped burn on her arm, but she seemed unaffected and Uncle Keith just sort of bent the tube out of the way and kept going. Isn't it crazy that the glass could be so hot it would bend, but not burn people!?

Scene Change: inside The Arapahoe House (but not really; you know how dreams are) We are obviously right below the room we were in before. It is not an emergency at all for which we have been called out of the other meeting. We are all just sitting around, and someone is trying to conduct some business. I am a single college student. I learn that my cousin Julie is offering me $10.50 an hour to be a nanny for her kids. I'm trying to do the math and it's only coming out to like $160 bucks a month, so I am considering asking for $12 an hour. People are chatting and conducting business of some kind, like negotiating. My sister Dorothy is there, possibly telling me it's not worth it to be a nanny. Then people come to a consensus, while I am doing the math on the nanny job, and my cousin David starts singing. It's Ave Maria. He is unabashed, just singing it up, which is impressive to me.

That's when my alarm goes off, but it's on my device, so it's not just a beeping, but some kind of peppy sound effect, and I was thinking, what is that crap? I'm trying to listen to Ave Maria before I start my nanny job! And it was such a bummer to wake up.


Dave said...

I've always thought Barbara Bonney sings a beautiful rendition of Ave Maria. BTW, I've been warning dad for years about that heat vent. I'm glad no one was hurt.

Yahoo Forgot Password Help said...

Beautifully expressed and well written post.