Monday, April 11, 2011

I Am Testing Blogger's "Enter" Ability

Here is a test. I want to see why this thing is eliminating all my hard returns. Why would it do stupid things to the spacing in my last two posts that mattered? What other options do I have for starting new paragraphs, other than hard returns using the enter key? Test. Test. Test.


Julie said...

Blogspot does the same with my posts--runs everything together like a big run on sentence.
If I write something in Word and then cut and paste it in, I can sometimes get the format I want. Good luck. I am excited for you and your family at the prospect of your new arrival.

Julie said...

I have found that if you type in a Word document and import it--it helps with the spacing. A pain, I know.
Hope all is going well in your pregnancy and with your health.
You are in my prayers.

Will said...

It might let you use HTML tags -- it's probably translating your stuff to HTML anyway.

Maybe there's a check box to enable them.

Will said...

So it looks like that works, at least in comments! Try entering the following tag where you want the cr/lf: <BR>

The 'BR' is for BRother!