Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Recent News of Wib

Well, we had Christmas and New Years. Not really news. Everyone asks how I'm doing lately, so here's the fun update.

I was feeling pretty good through the whole Christmas break from school. Then last Tuesday I went to the endocrinologist and had my thyroid dosage changed. You need more when you're pregnant. So I started taking the higher dose the next day and within about 36 hours, morning sickness had returned! So, hooray! It is kind of good, though, because this is sort of the first time since my big cancer-ectomy that I've actually noticed any difference due to thyroid hormone. A couple other things changed as well, one of which is unmentionable here but greatly appreciated, and one of which will take longer to fix because it has to do with dry skin.

Anyway, that's the news of WIB.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Thanks for the news. Wish it was more pleasant for you, but we are still glad to hear an update even if the update involves misery. We sure love you.