Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Here's Your Tag

Jodi tagged me to do the Google image search and I tried to do it but failed. Maybe in the future I'll try it again. THIS tag, however, proved to be the easiest one I've ever seen. This here picture is one of many, MANY pictures Eric and I have taken of his Bionicle creations. A couple of them he has uploaded to his Lego page and named. I don't know if this is one of them. I think this picture was actually taken by Eric, judging by the terrible framing. But it could have been me. You know what? No, it couldn't have been me. No way am I taking the picture and leaving the plunger in the frame. As a side note, Eric has been just taking the didge lately and grabbing his own photos of things, so it's a major blessing for Seth's peace of mind that my sister Dorothy found an awesome spongebob USB camera on sale at Target for 5 bucks for Eric's birthday. I feel that he will love it. Eric will. Seth will love Eric NOT using the family camera. I will love the software the comes with it and allows you to superimpose SpongeBob into your photos. So this is my "fourth file, fourth picture" tag and I don't know if it's fair to tag other people or if it will make me feel like a loser if they don't do it, so I'm going to go ahead and just tag.....mmmm...Gretch. And Jon. A little Blog Fodder for ya there.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Sorry I gave you a hard tag. I was glad no one tagged me to do the one of taking pictures of your closet and fridge and stuff. Because one, yuck. You do not want to see my fridge and closet, etc. And then you actually have to get up and take pictures and download them. That's way too much work. I never leave my dream chair if I can help it. But if you give me your answers for my tag, I will do it for you. Because then I could waste more time when I am supposed to be studying which I seem to be doing a lot lately. Ever since I got the cap and gown I have stopped caring. Except I have to start again by tomorrow because of a big test on Monday. How do you make yourself care about school?