Friday, June 13, 2008

Sarah's Seventh

Seven years since our little Angel Baby Sarah was born. Every year I make a humongous heart cake for her birthday. I try to decorate it a little different each year.


Jodi said...

Beautiful cake! I loved the roses you sent for her grave. I am reading a book called "Running with Angels". I think you would like it.

karen said...

Your such a great mom. Im sure she would have been just a beautiful as Jules..

I love that you mark her birthday too.

Becca said...

When I did the math in early June, I couldn't believe she's 7 already. That made me sad because I could see her in my mind as a seven year old and realized how much we're missing out on, for now, again.

Anyways, don't mean to be a downer. It's a beautiful cake, as always and I love you!