Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We Went to a Crowded Museum

That's basically the whole thing. Last Friday, we and apparently the whole Denver Museum-going Community, decided to go to the Museum. We have our membership and pushed through the crowds to get in and show our cards. We were there for the T-Rex Experience, so we went directly up there, except that there was a line 50 yards long for the elevator so we pushed through the crowds to get to the secret back elevator. The T-Rex exhibit was really cool and it will be even cooler when we go and every single inch of floor space ISN'T taken up by a crowd of rude children who push their way right in front of the patient, well-brought-up children who actually waited their turn to try the hands-on parts of the exhibit.

Russell loved the Robot Dinosaurs, but Scott was frightened of them. There were lots of things to learn about dinosaurs and lots of things to read to your non-readers, if only the crowd weren't so dang loud and Jostly.

Anyway, despite the clear negative voice in this post, it was actually a good adventure and I think it made a memory for the children.


Jodi said...

Wait, you went without us? How can this be? :-)

We went on Tuesday and it was still fairly crowded though not as bad as it was for you it sounds like. Is there ever a day when it isn't crazy? The T-Rex exhibit was fine but Space and Health were terrible. I don't like waiting to see stuff so I just kept hustling the kids along thinking we would be back on a less crowded day. Please tell me they exist!

Gretchen said...

This is why I HATE going to the museum.