Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Kimono

I'm a one-piece girl. I usually like the snap-in-the-crotch, full-body undie-suit. But we were given several of these Kimono-style baby undie-shirts when Eric was a baby and have been toting them around since then. My main issue with these was that they're the same as shirts, for babies. Where do you pick up babies? Under the arms. And when you hoist up a baby that way, boops! up comes the shirt, and out sticks the baby's fat old belly. And it's not a good look for me, the shirt-stuffed-up-under-the-armpits-gut-hanging-out look. Plus can that possibly be comfy at all?

So we've had these kimonos for nine years and since I put them on Eric a couple times as a baby, I've never used them. Until now. Until this last March, I should say. Scott had his little skull-surgery on his head. He had a lot of bone removed, and most of what was left was "morselized." So his head was (Doctors' word, not mine) Boggy, for a while afterwards. Real squishable and something you didn't want to touch that much. Also, you didn't want to stretch a shirt down over that. And here is where the Kimono really shone. I could dress my little boggy-head baby without ever touching his head. Side note: if he lay on his head in any one position for too long, that side would slump down flat. Ewwww. So he could lie there on the changing table and get dressed without me putting strain on his squish-head. Day after day, I would thank my lucky stars for dragging these kimonos around with me for so many years. They DO have a good use! They're worth something after all! Hooray!

Another side note: Scott's head is almost totally healed. A couple places in his cool, serpentine scar look almost totally unscathed. He still has a huge soft-spot from where the bone was removed, but he's pretty much a totally normal baby. Except for being super-ultra-cute and exceptionally sweet.


Natalie said...

He really is the sweetest baby!

Tammy said...

We have some of those shirts too that have never been used. I'm so glad to hear that he is doing well. We were just talking about him the other day and wondering how his little head was doing. It's good to hear!

Becca said...

Is he expected to have a lasting scar? It sure sounds like he would, but it's gonna be under his hair, right? But sometimes hair grows weird on scars. Anyways, just curious. Hope it isn't too nosy of my to ask.

Eeww is right on the boggy head sagging thing. Blech.

I'm glad he's so good for you.